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and care

free consultation and care advice

Looking for quality hair extensions in Essex? Consultation is a free, one to one

no obligation service carried out at my home near Southend-on-Sea, Essex.  ​It is the best way to determine exactly which method of ​application and type of hair will best suit your budget and ​expectations. Once this has been decided and you are ​completely happy with your choice an appointment can be made for fitting, usually a few days later.  ​

A minimum non-refundable deposit of £100 (or more for ​premium hair types) will be

required before hair is ordered.  ​I will also provide you with full pre and aftercare​

information sheets. 
Good care and maintenance are key in extending the life of ​your extensions and

keeping them beautiful for longer as​ well as ensuring the health of your own hair.

A comprehensive ​Aftercare Sheet will be provided following fitting together with ​

recommendations for required maintenance appointments. ​Human hair extensions

can be styled in exactly the same way as your ​own hair. However, extensions will

require a little more time and effort to look their best so here are some basic guidelines:​

It is worth bearing in mind that hair extensions do not suit every hair type and lifestyle.  If your hair is damaged or you are prone to scalp conditions, allergies or hair loss, the services will not be recommended for you.  Similarly, if you prefer a daily 'wash and go' routine or are a frequent gym, sauna and pool user you may find hair extensions unsuitable.

Always brush the hair gently starting at the tip and working up the hair shaft whilst supporting the bond to avoid unnecessary pulling at the roots.

Always wash hair standing upright in the shower or sitting in the bath with the water flowing down the hair, never tipped upside down over the bath as this can cause tangling/matting. Try to reduce frequency to minimize shedding/loosening.

Use a gentle shampoo - one that does not contain sulphates/silicone as this can cause bonds to break down or slip. Condition mid-lengths and ends keeping away from the roots. Always comb out wet hair very carefully in sections without over stretching using a wide tooth comb, loop or paddle brush.  
There are many products on the market specifically designed for hair extensions which are available online or from salons & hairdressing suppliers. A recommended product range is also available from each hair extension supplier and can be ordered on request.
Keep hairsprays, glossers, oils and excessive heat from hairdryers, curling irons and straighteners away from the roots as this can damage the bonds/micro-rings or cause them to slip.
Sleep with long hair in loose plaits, scrunchy or silk scarf to avoid knots.
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